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Volume No. XI
Volume No. XII
Volume No. XIII
Volume No. XIV
Volume No. XV
Volume No. XVI
Volume No. XVII
Volume No. XVIII
In the afternoons I came home to the cool and watched murder on DVD,
the violence in imaginary English villages a pleasant diversion from the war I fought.
For well over a month each day during the week I drove the back way to the yellow brick building on Calhoun Street,
braved flash floods, replaced my luxury car with a small white economy - it then brutalized by a jaguar after a scant two weeks.
My skin burned as if I'd been too long in the sun, though I'd stayed indoors except for those drives downtown,
where in a room with a fake waterfall I participated in the killing of healthy cells that had the misfortune to have lived near those that two months earlier attempted to murder me.
Poet and fiction writer Frances J. Pearce lives in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. She is currently working on a novel set partially in Scotland's Western Highlands. An excerpt from the novel was shortlisted for the Faulkner-Wisdom Novel-in-Progress Prize in 2010. The poem "Midsummer Murders" was inspired by Frances Pearce's own experience of daily drives to the hospital for radiation therapy sessions after she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005. The poem's title is a play on "Midsomer Murders," a British television mystery series.
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